Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Support is so Important

I went late last week to have a band-fill and it has made all the difference in the world.  I'm eating less, though I still don't think I'm quite in the "green-zone" yet (the "green-zone" basically is when you're able to eat less and feel full for 4 hours).  I am feeling more positive which in turns rejuvenates my motivation and commitment to my band and my new lifestyle.  I've even been prepping to start a couch to 5k program  - next week! But, I digress.

While in my surgeon's office getting stuck in the stomach with a needle (the least fun part of this whole thing) - he asked me what my support system was.  And he was not talking about the people in my life - but rather those who have also had WLS and could relate to my experiences, both the positive and negative.  My hospital does run a support group, but since I live so far away it is really hard to get there.  Anyways, coincidentally I had just started to feel like I was "on my own" and a little lonely when I met a fabulous person at work that had also had WLS and I had also joined and online forum for lapband patients.  I was suddenly getting more support than I could have asked for!  It does make all the difference.  Having the ability to discuss everything from burping (a habit that has increased since surgery-grrrross) to speed at which I'm eating, makes me feel like I'm not alone and the advice I've received is irreplaceable.  I'm very lucky to have found both my colleague and the forum.  That's not to say that the people in my life are not a huge support system, because they are.  My love has been amazing, encouraging, and more supportive than I ever could have asked for.  My friends have been fantastic too!  I couldn't do it without a combination of everyone's support.

Thank you all!

That said, I've lost the few pounds I had gained when I was not following plan due to hunger.  I've also lost a few extra pounds.  I'm down a total of 67 pounds and my BMI is down from 42 when I started this journey to 35 - I'm no longer in the morbidly obese category, I'm just obese.  Which as strange as it sounds, makes me excited.  It actually shows the progress I'm making using a standardized chart. As an aside, I get to have my knee surgery once my BMI is 30 or under - so I'm VERY close!! All of this combined, makes me a happy happy chunky chick :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay Alana!! Keep up the good work! Can't wait to see some before/after pictures!!!
