Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I think I can...I think I can...

My shoes were so bad, I was getting shin splints and had to wait for my new ones to come in the mail -so, I fell off the wagon for a whole week.  I was like a hoover and felt like my band had no restrictions to it at all.  I know I need a band-fill, but this was a little over the top.  My appointment in March can't come fast enough!

I ate whatever I wanted, didn't go to the gym, and had a grand old time.  I only felt a little guilty that I put my body through a surgery and could so easily fall of the wagon.  Which is not good...HOWEVER, that said - as of yesterday I am back on with a vengeance.  I needed a reality check and when I stepped on the scale and hadn't lost a pound in more than a week (though thankfully I hadn't gained a pound either), I knew I wasn't doing myself or my band any justice.

After having been off the gym wagon for 5 days, it's really hard to shift my mentality back to working out.  Getting out of bed is harder and my motivation has dwindled.  I know after a few more days it will be the same as before, but damn is it hard to get going again.  BUT, I went to the gym yesterday and walked for 40 minutes and then did the dreaded weight lifting and was up and at 'em early this morning too.

I should probably embrace my struggle, since the harder I fight it the worse off I seem to be.  That or I am just meant to fight this battle every step of the way....at least I will appreciate it more when I get to the end of this journey.  :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Plugging Away

Well, I'm plugging away on this weight loss journey.  I've hit a new weight loss low (I'm so excited), with the help of a couch to 5k plan (that I've modified to allow for A LOT more leeway at the beginning due to the knee injury).  I'm excited and feeling pretty good on the treadmill.  I'm up to 7 intervals of 1 minute of running/jogging with 2 minutes rest in between.  Sadly, I couldn't run this morning as planned, because shin splints are starting to develop.  Normal I think, given my size and my lack of activity for so long (and worn out sneakers).  BUT-I think I'm handling it in stride.

By in stride I mean, my inner motivation has peaks and valleys.  It's hard to keep up the "you can do it" mentality all the time, though I try.  Most days I'm successful-but like everyone else I have my off days.  This morning when my sneakers/legs/feet were failing me I was feeling a bit disheartened.  However, I bought new sneakers online after I left the gym and I can't wait to get them!  I will battle the defeatist attitude that sets in sometimes...and I will win. First step is keeping the endorphins flowing :)

Anyways, since I could not "yog" today, I lifted some weights.  First time in like a year-so it should be interesting when I try and lift my arms and legs to get out of bed tomorrow morning :).  Well it may not wait until the morning, as my arms are feeling a bit fatigued now. Oh boy!  It will be worth it, when the flab starts to dissipate and the muscles begin to pop out :)

One of my favorite quotes is "you save yourself or you remain unsaved" and I think it's really appropriate at this time in my life.  I'm saving myself from...myself.  My attitude, my eating, my laziness. No one can do it for me, I have to do it for myself.  And I know I will do it, though hard times are par for the course.  Each time I step on the scale (which if you're wondering I've cut back to 2 times a week), I get a reward and some reinforcement to keep up my hard work.  I won't lie, I'm pretty proud of myself.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


So my pouch (as I fondly refer to my new tummy) has been yelling at me for the last week.  I've been falling back into bad habits-eating quickly, eating (slightly) more food, I even creeped a few peanut m&m's from my love and a mini ice cream sandwich (90 calories-but still not a good idea).  It's been pretty bad -- this past week especially.

I have been post-surgery two months and I've not had any issues with my pouch to stop these bad behaviors.  Some people throw up if they eat too fast--nope not me.  I'm just fine.  So, I'm struggling big time.  I still can't eat a lot of food, but I'm free to eat anything I want.  It makes me wish I had done the gastric bypass surgery -  I would have at least had some restrictions.  No sugar, no high fat or you'll get sick.  I don't have those limitations so it's all on me.  I feel a little overwhelmed by the responsibility of being "good" all the time.  But-I want this, so bad.  More than anything I've ever wanted, I just don't understand why I'm derailing my efforts.

I just wish I had more will power.  And things were a big easier...but I suppose if eating was easy for me I wouldn't have needed the surgery in the first place.  I know what I need to do and what I need to not do, it's just been so hard lately.  I wonder if I'm getting complacent now that I'm lighter and looking better than I have in years.  I certainly hope that sharing my failures with you, helps get me back on track...

I suppose I should share some positives with you too-since there are plenty.  I'm down 4 pant sizes.  I've lost a lot of inches, though I won't measure the inches lost until next month's 3 month marker.  I've started yogging (1 minute intervals) more consistently.  And I feel healthier.  Things are looking good otherwise :)