Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letter to Myself

**This is a letter to myself after 6 months of surgery - both to the past and present me.  It's a reminder to myself for the tough times. **

Dear Me,

You would be amazed at where you are 6 months after weight loss surgery.  I remember when you could barely bend over and tie your shoe without losing your breath.  How far you've come in such a short time!

When you started this journey back in August, you were sad and disappointed in yourself.  You wanted to feel differently about yourself and desired so much more out of life than what you had settled for.  Well, I have some good news.  You're getting what you want.  You're making better choices, you're working hard, and you're making a difference to yourself.  Most importantly, you don't feel so disgusted with yourself all the time.  Don't get me wrong, you still have moments where you are discouraged and you look in the mirror and see the girl who started this journey at 304 pounds, but they're fewer and farther between now.  You're slowly changing the way you view yourself and though it is a work in progress you've grown by leaps and bounds.

The new energy and zest for life you have is so refreshing!  You should keep trying to conquer all the things that your weight held you back from.  This process is slower than you want it to be, but it's super important to keep positive, the good things in life are worth waiting for.

There are weeks where you will fall "off the wagon" don't beat yourself up too much for those, just look at it as part of life.  No one can be perfect at all times.  Just get back on as soon as you can, and keep plugging away.  Don't lose site of what you're after and don't let the moments you fall into a rut to hold you back too long.

Don't assume you have to do this alone.  Depend on those around you-they're all so willing to help you.  Lean on them in moments of weakness, they want to encourage you.  Don't be too stubborn to ask for the help you need.  Keep your pride in check.

Always, always consider where you were and where you are going when you get upset.  It will help you keep perspective.

Keep on plugging away!

Lots of love!!
Me :)

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