Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

One of the routes I took to take off weight before the LapBand was a large weight loss surgery brand name system, while sitting in one of the meetings the leader-whom I loved- said one of the most prolific things I had heard in a long time "nothing changes if nothing changes".  She hit me with that, like a ton of bricks.  I felt as though she was speaking directly to me and not an entire room of women struggling with weight issues.  I use it not just as a mantra for my weight loss, but for my life.  If I'm unhappy with where I'm at somewhere in my life, I've got to make a change-otherwise I'll eat my weight in rice being unhappy.

One of the changes I've incorporated into my life is working out.  I can't sit back on my haunches and wait for my little tummy to make me lose weight,I'd get nowhere.  I've got to take control and actively participate in my weight loss. Yesterday, I took my first Zumba class (and boy do I feel it today).  It's a huge milestone for me.  Not only did I take a group fitness class, but I did it without anyone with me.  My weight held me back so much that I wouldn't try anything new without someone doing it with me, I felt as though people were staring at the biggest girl in the room and that girl was always me.  So going to that class was a huge step and going alone was an even bigger step. And I couldn't be happier.

Happiness with myself has been such a foreign concept to me, that I feel like a lead blanket has been lifted off of my life.  Sadly, it was a blanket I didn't even know existed.  I lived in the viscous circle of fat--I'm unhappy that I'm chunky and unhappiness always led me to eat--which is why I've made the largest change I could make in my life--I made my stomach the size of a medium sized egg.  In taking back my stomach, I took back my life.

Something changed because something changed.


  1. I love Zumba...if I was out east still I would go with you!!!! Love reading your posts! Keep up the good work..very inspiring:)

